Happy November!!!!!

Marie Louise Burkle | 11/1/23

This month is probably best known for Veteran’s Day and Thanksgiving. It was recently brought to my attention that November 3 is “Cliché Day”. Anyone who knows me knows, I live for aphorisms, adages, and good old-fashioned sayings. There’s a lot to be learned from these nuggets of wisdom passed down through generations. Clichés are familiar touchstones that we all share that help simplify communication. Employing well-known clichés in business can create a shared language, making communication more effective, efficient, and palatable. They can also serve to motivate, inspire and even to deescalate tense situations by emphasizing common values and goals.

Clichés can even be used to enhance customer relations. They can be used to convey empathy, understanding, and a shared sense of values, which ultimately lead to stronger customer loyalty and satisfaction.

I can’t think of a better way kick off our new Blog/Vlog Series, than to share and explore famous cliches that make us better at doing business. As George Elliot said, “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” I look forward to spending our first month of this series sharing some of the age-old adages that guide us here at Autac Incorporated.

The proverb a man grows most tired when standing still

Marie Louise Burkle | 11/2/23

Though we are a small company, we are a mighty force. A mighty workforce specifically. We are all members of hustle culture (gasp!). I know, I know. That’s considered passe and toxic. I’m here to tell you, it is not.

There is an old proverb “A man grows tired when standing still”. Let’s apply this theory to water. Water is a lifeforce for all living things. But standing water is stagnant because there’s no flow or movement. Stagnant water becomes a breeding ground for dangerous diseases and pathogens. Inertia creates a toxic environment and destroys all that surrounds it.

The human body is 60% water (or more, depending on your source) so, doesn’t it make sense that we too become toxic sludge when we aren’t progressing??? We are all dynamic individuals who need continued advancement, in our personal and professional lives, to prevent weariness and apathy. Embracing challenges and new experiences invigorates our spirit. It gives us a sense of purpose and vitality. We must actively pursue every opportunity for personal growth and embrace change so as not to impede our development. Standing still in the face of progress breeds wariness. Complacency is exhausting, it dulls our shine. Here at Autac Inc., we are always continuing our education, improving existing skills and learning new ones. Not only does that give us a sense of purpose, but it allows us to serve you better. We know that our hustle is what makes us mighty. We are strong and adaptable. There’s nothing toxic or passe about that!


I thought on Fridays we could have little bit of fun with these cliches. There are some amusing ones out there!

Let’s start with a classic, “Don’t get your knickers in a knot”.

Marie Louise Burkle | 11/3/23

I was shocked to learn that this phrase didn’t come about until the 1960s. I mean, have you seen the underwear from the Renaissance period??  Anyway, “don’t get your knickers in a knot” has its origins in Australia and was meant as a humorous way of telling someone they’re being a little bit extra. It’s a lighthearted approach to remind people to focus on finding solutions rather than dwelling on the problem. Solving problems is always easier when we maintain a level-head and composed demeanor. I don’t know when it became en-vogue for people to create unnecessary turmoil, anxiety, and agitation (I blame Jerry Springer), but people are regularly losing their minds over the most trivial stuff. It’s as if they’re looking for reasons to be angry, and you know what? We find what we seek. If what we truly seek is happiness and satisfaction with the lives we have, we can manifest that with a positive and proactive mindset. “You are what you think, so think good things.” The next time you feel those tighty white-ies twisting themselves into a pelvic protuberance, lighten your heart and unclench your sphincter. Don’t work yourself up; talk yourself down. Life is a short journey. It’ll be a lot more comfortable if you don’t get your knickers in a knot!


Fall Back

Marie Louise Burkle | 11/6/23

Since we are all recovering from “falling back,” many of us probably “woke up on the wrong side of the bed” this Monday morning. But is it because the time change influenced our sleep pattern, or did we manifest a lousy start to the week??? While it certainly is a reality that sleep disturbances can provide a difficult start to the day, it’s not a guarantee of unfortunate events or that your day will be filled with unnecessary challenges. Expecting the worst is offering negativity an invitation to your doorstep. There is a delicate balance between our emotional state and the vast number of external circumstances that can influence us. Our mindset can significantly shape our day. Even the most minor shift in our perspective can have a profound impact on our mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and fiscal well-being. Somedays, we will wake up on the wrong side of the bed, whether due to a time change, stress, illness, or life in today’s world. That doesn’t mean you have to live an entire day of your life in misery. You can choose to cultivate a positive and resilient attitude and set a path to navigate life’s challenges with grace, composure, and dignity.


“Business exists to create customers”.

Marie Louise Burkle | 11/7/23

It sure doesn’t feel that way anymore.

Business success used to focus on identifying and prioritizing customers’ needs, preferences, and pain points. The development of products and services was directly compelled by the consumers’ wants. The goal was to develop long-term relationships and let customer loyalty and satisfaction organically fuel the growth of a business. Sales and leadership teams understood that creating and embracing customers made their organizations better equipped to adapt to ever-changing market dynamics, maintain relevance, and achieve sustainable success in the long run.

Today, corporations see their customers as a nuisance. Major corporations are dismissing the wants and needs of their patrons and treat valued customers as indentured labor. Maybe we’re old school, but earning our client’s trust and allegiance through Customer Service is the best investment we can make into Autac Inc. We’ve onboarded a record number of new customers in the last three years. Why?? Human connection. A person answers the phones; we don’t expect you to waste your valuable time navigating prompts for 10 minutes just so we can save buck. Our Sales Team listens and interacts with our clients, and they leave no stone unturned to address the needs and pain points that our customers are struggling with. We operate as a resource FOR our patrons. Our motto is “We sell Customer Service and give people wire to remember us by.” For 76 years, Autac Inc. has operated under the principle that “Business exists to create customers,” and when you do that well, success follows. 


Roman Philosiphy

Marie Louise Burkle | 11/8/23

The Roman Philosopher Seneca is credited with this quote: “If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.” As Employees, Employers, and most especially as human animals, we crave purpose and direction. If we go through life with no clear path or defined goals, we feel irrelevant, as if we are drifting aimlessly. Futility is the enemy of fulfillment. A lack of clear vision creates a lack of progress. Seneca’s quote emphasizes the importance of having a well-defined purpose and concrete objectives. This is especially true in business. The “winds” of external factors often change our course or cause us to alter our mission. That can be a positive thing. We can harness that wind, adjust our sails, and chart a more favorable course for growth and fulfillment. However, we must bear in mind the goals of the original destination. Are we in business to get rich, fill a need, help people, or bamboozle?? Who are we serving: ourselves, our employees, our customers, or our egos (Id’s for you Freud fans)??? The essence of a successful business/life is purpose and direction. When conscious choices align with our goals and souls, even the strongest wind is a gift. It’s a chance to reflect on our voyage and determine if we’re headed for the right port.



We sell customer service and give people wire to remember us by.

Marie Louise Burkle | 11/9/23

As many of you know, our motto is  “We sell customer service and give people wire to remember us by.” Our brand is dependent on consistent, quality wire and cable. You don’t survive in this dog-eat-dog industry for 76 years selling people lousy wire.

Customer Service is the basis for the initial impression that a business makes on its audience. It’s what drives new business and retains long-term customers. Autac’s reputation is based on 7+ decades of reliability, responsiveness, effort, and honesty. This attitude is the foundation for the trust and loyalty that fosters return business and attracts new clients. Managing both brand and reputation is imperative for fostering a positive and enduring relationship with stakeholders and ensuring long-term success.



Marie Louise Burkle | 11/20/23

In the last decade, we have seen attitudes in business trends shift from customer service to customer servitude; Self-check outs, long hold times, the whole “we built it, you fix it” attitude; all the collective policies that treat the customer as beholden to the vendor. The values and priorities in business have shifted from pleasing the customer to obliging the shareholder. This begs the question, can we align financial abundance with ethical values?? Dorothy Parker is attributed with saying, “If you want to know what God thinks of money, look at the people he gave it to.” This witticism is truly a profound observation of wealth and character. If a corporation is wholly dedicated to the quest of money, is it possible to also have value to the client??? Does the pursuit of profit exclude the offering of quality and service??? Can a company’s values and priorities center on healing the customer’s pain points instead of causing them??? At Autac Inc., we believe that developing loyalty and trust through great service and high quality are THE building blocks for success. We do not believe that compromising our ethics provides a path to abundance. As we head into our 76th year in business, we are more focused than ever on being of value to our customers through our dedication and integrity. A job well done is its own reward.



Marie Louise Burkle | 11/20/23

Talent is never evenly distributed. That’s just how nature works. We are all born with different capabilities, aptitudes, and strengths. On the flip side, we ALL have weaknesses, ineptitudes, and incompetencies. Steve Martin once said, “Thankfully, perseverance is a great substitute for talent.” Just because something doesn’t come easily or naturally, that does not mean we cannot LEARN to do that thing well. Sure, innate talent is a valuable gift, but hard work, dedication and determination can make anything possible. With grit and fortitude, anything is achievable, and we should celebrate that!! The only limitations we have are the ones we have created for ourselves. Resilience and tenacity allow us to carve a path to success to bridge the gap between aptitude and accomplishment. It’s an encouraging mantra that we embrace at Autac Inc. We encourage our employees to pursue education and skills so that their perceived weaknesses become strengths. The more proficiencies our staff possess, the more value we have to offer our customers. Additionally, our combined competencies allow us to solve problems expeditiously and economically because we are less dependent on outside sources. As materials and processes change, we adapt, we persevere. As time goes on that perseverance develops into talent. Our greatest asset is our employees. Their greatest asset is their tenacity and dedication. Which in turn makes Autac Inc. an asset to you, our customer.


Good customer service costs less than bad customer service

Marie Louise Burkle | 11/21/23

I have been THRILLED to see many major retailers removing self-check-out registers! THRILLED!! Those things made me apoplectic. It’s hard enough for consumers to work for decent earnings; now you want them to spend their net income for the privilege of working for you?? What a ridiculous concept!!!! Decades of business practices have proven that financing quality customer support yields the most significant financial benefits. Yes, there are upfront investments like infrastructure and training, but the long-term savings and revenue generated through customer satisfaction outweigh those initial costs. Building strong customer relations is not only a financially savvy strategy to promote growth but also a moral imperative. Good customer service is an investment that pays dividends, and it is the most incredible tool to achieve overall business success. Here at Autac Inc., we’ve never wavered from this belief. Our job is to know what our customers need and assist them to make that satisfactory purchase. Providing great customer service makes our job more enjoyable too! We LIKE helping people. Quality service is a win-win for our customers and our employees.